Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Soulicitors/ J.K & The Relays/ The Slackers

SO! i know i said i switched to a different website. BUT i like the layout of this one more. Anyway i haven't posted in a very long time but business has been SLOW! Also my laptop crashed on me BUT Now that its picked up, everything is working again...This is what i was up to. PHOTOGRAPHING MY FAVORITE BAND OF ALL TIME! THE SLACKERS from New York City. it was an amazing experience and i give a huge THANK YOU to my good friends J.K & The Relays and Jon Pettigrew and Jess for such a fantastic night! Here are some photos of all three bands ENJOY!

The Soulicitors

JK & The Relays

The Slackers

And...well. just because i like it.

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