Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Aurora Jane Sneak Peek!

This last weekend i got to meet and photograph a group of amazing people! Aussie-Funk-Mind-Blowing....Aurora Jane, seriously people you need to check this band out. It was a great two evenings full of drunken groping from strangers, beers, laughs, late night walk through at A&W and of course Music!!! I am so happy that my good friend Dan got a hold of me and asked me to come photograph them while they were in the area. Like i said i had so much fun, met a fantastic group of people,made some new friends and eagerly await their return to Canada! Here's a little sneak peek! enjoy! click photos to enlarge. feel free to leave comments....

Thanks so much to Dan,Jane,Mal,Tim, and Jacquie!

that's it, that's all.....for now....... ;)

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