Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mitlenatch Island

Recently I got to go on class trip to Mitlenatch Island. Mitlenatch is home to one of the largest seabird colonies in the Georgia Straight. It is also surrounded by harbour seals, Stellar's and Californian Sea Lions. It is only accessible by boat.This island is truly breathtaking, i suggest that everyone goes here for an adventure.Here are some of my favorite shots.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And Some More Aurora Jane

Hey everyone,
This is the last post of Aurora Jane....until next year? hopefully...anyway these photos were taken at Joe's Garage in Courtenay. Although it was a quiet room we still had fun! I decided to convert all the photos to black and white since the lighting wasn't as vibrant and fun as the Nanaimo gig. Enjoy!